ORIGINAL PILOT (4-26-76) Young witch Tabitha Stephens is torn between her mortal brother, discouraging her from using her powers, and her witch aunt, encouraging her to do the opposite. 1. PILOT (5-7-77) CREDITS: Produced by: Robert Stambler Directed by: Bruce Bilson Written by: Jerry Mayer CAST: Tabitha.....Lisa Hartman Minerva......Karen Morrow Adam..... ..David Ankrum Roger......Barry Van Dyke Marvin.... .Mel Stewart Andrew..... Eric Server Paul......Robert Urich Sherry. . .Timothy Blake Tabitha Stephens, daughter of a mortal father and a witch mother, has inherited her mother's powers, which are used only for good, of course. Her brother Adam is a mere mortal and totally disapproves of Tabitha making use of her gift. Adam helped Tabitha get a job as Assistant Program Director at KXLA-TV, where he too works. Late night interview host, Paul Thurston has a huge ego and is a thorn in the side of everyone , especially producer Marvin Decker. Tabitha arranges for handsome and controversial Professor Andrew Collins, author of a book on fuel conservation, to be a guest on the show only to learn that Thurston intends to replace him with beauty contestant Sherry McBride. Meanwhile, Aunt Minerva, also a witch, has paid a visit to discourage Tabitha from dating mortals, particularly Adam's fraternity brother Roger Bennett. The night of the show, Tabitha decides to visit Thurston in an effort to change his mind. When Roger arrives to pick her up for a date, Aunt Minerva solves the problem by temporarily "freezing" Roger. Tabitha goes off --under protest from Adam -- to persuade Thurston. Using her powers, Tabitha demonstrates the effects of a fuel crisis for the unsuspecting Thurston. First, the appliances in his apartment stop working and there is a black-out, then his car, three cabs and one bus run out of gas. By the time Thurston arrives at the studio, he is so upset by his experience that he insists Collins discuss the energy crisis on his show that very night. Tabitha goes happily home to "defrost" an unknowing Roger. FAN FACTS: *Essentially the same pilot was first aired on 24 April 1976; this first version featured Liberty Williams as Tabitha and Bruce Kimmel as her brother Adam. 2. "TABITHA'S WEIGHT PROBLEM" (9-10-77) CREDITS: Produced by: Bob Stambler Directed by: Charles Dubin Written by: Jerry Mayer CAST: Tabitha.....Lisa Hartman Minerva......Karen Morrow Adam..... ..David Ankrum Vasily...... Peter Palmer Marvin.... .Mel Stewart Dr Bombay....Bernard Fox Paul......Robert Urich The Prince...Robert Clarke Assistant program manager at a metropolitan television station, Adam Stephens is overjoyed when he is assigned to supervise a highly prestigious international weight lifting competition. His sister Tabitha, a production assistant at the same station who happens to possess the magical powers of witchcraft, will serve as personal guide to Russian World Champion Vasily Kasseroff during his visit. There is one slight problem, however; Tabitha has a cold. This is unheard of among witches. Every time Tabitha sneezes her gifted nose twitches, casting spells over which she has no control. Her bewitching Aunt Minerva conjures up, a remedy of spider webs and other goodies, which seems to work. As Tabitha shows Vasily the sights, he complains about everything, assuring her that Russia is superior in every way. The annoyed young witch uses her special talent to convince the weight lifter otherwise. She introduces him to such American wonders as a hamburger which never diminishes no matter how much of it is eaten. Tabitha loses her power, just as Vasily begins making romantic overtures, but Minerva rescues her. Adam is angry at Tabitha for using witchcraft on Vasily, who fortunately, attributes his confusing day to too much vodka. Just as the competition is about to begin, Tabitha accidentally turns the Russian into a photograph of' himself. She summons family physician and warlock Dr. Bombay, who cures her uncommon cold. Her powers restored to normal, Tabitha reverses the spell on Vasily just in time for the contest. FAN FACTS: *Aunt Minerva includes spider webs in her temporary remedy. 3. "HALLOWEEN SHOW" (11-12-77) CREDITS: Produced by: George Yanok Directed by: Charles Rondeau Written by: Jerry Mayer CAST: Tabitha.....Lisa Hartman Minerva......Karen Morrow Adam..... ..David Ankrum Cassandra..... Mary Wickes Marvin.... .Mel Stewart Paula... .Dena Crowder Paul......Robert Urich Marvin, Jr...James Bond III Television talk-show host Paul Thurston does not believe in witches and makes it known during an interview. His snide, mocking tone infuriates Cassandra, the head of a powerful coven. Cassandra plots revenge, telling felllow witch Minerva that a "hit-witch" will be unleashed upon Paul. Minerva herself faces punishment should she reveal the plan to her young witch niece, Tabitha who works for Thurston. The hit-witch turns out to be an eight-year old girl names Paula, who claims to be Thurston's daughter and promptly moves in, thus ruining a romantic evening for Thurston and his date. Even though Minerva conveys Thurston's predicament to Tabitha without directly stating the details, Cassandra spitefully puts a hex on the food-loving Minerva's taste buds. Tabitha tries unsuccessfully to persuade Thurston to retract his unkind statements, then tries to talk Paula into being merciful. But the hit-witch, who reveals that she is really an 85-year-old who has refused to grow up, merely promises more trouble for Thurston. On Halloween night, Thurston is trick-or-treating in his apartment building with Paula and Marvin, Jr., the son of producer Marvin Decker. The mischievous hit-witch turns Thurston into a werewolf and Junior into an over-sized turkey, much to the consternation of the neighbors. Tabitha traps the trio in an elevator and convinces Paula to release her spells. She then convinces Paula that growing up can fun -- especially if there are boys around. Attracted to Junior, Paula decides to give it a try. THE EPISODES IS FAMILIAR TO... *"The Witches Are Out" 4. "A STAR IS BORN" (11-19-77) CREDITS: Produced by: George Yanok Directed by: Charles Rondeau Teleplay by: Roland Wolpert and Bernie Kahn CAST: Tabitha.....Lisa Hartman Minerva......Karen Morrow Adam..... ..David Ankrum Wanda.....Jeanne Wilson Marvin.... .Mel Stewart Margaret.....Montana Smoyer Paul......Robert Urich Pietro........Fritz Feld The day before her debut on KXLA, the gorgeous new Weather girl, Wanda, turns out to be a special friend to talk show host Paul Thurston and a trial to Tabitha. When Paul takes his cue from Wanda and begins treating Tabitha as an underling, it proves to be too much for Tabitha's Aunt Minerva She hints to Tabitha that if Tabitha was a TV star, she wouldn't have to take that kind of treatment from anyone. Tabitha ignores the suggestion, even when faced with the prospect of giving the lovely Wanda her five a.m wake up calls. The next morning, Minerva sees to it that Wanda's departure for the sutdio is delayed by make up troubles - her false eyelashes keep ending up on the tip of her nose. Tabitha is pressed into service as a replacement for missing Wanda and is a big success. On learning that Wanda has unexpectedly quit to star in a movie, Tabitha becomes the permanent weather girl and her old job is given to Margaret, a lady in her 50's with illusions of allure. The accoutrements of stardom (supermarket openings and such) hold no appeal for Tabitha. She doesn't even have time to study the weather she is trying honestly to predict, despite Aunt Minerva's spectacular interference. When producer Marvin Decker forces her to wear a new, scantier outfit, Tabitha announces that she is quitting. As luck would have it, Margaret chooses that moment to misread a proposal from Paul that she stay and work late as an indecent proposition. Margaret quits, and Tabitha is restored to her old job - which is far from stardom, but a lot closer to what she wants. FAN FACTS: *Fritz Feld was also in "Samantha on the Keyboard". 5. "MINERVA GOES STRAIGHT" (11-26-77) CREDITS: Produced by: George Yanok Directed by: Charles Rondeau Written by: Jerry Mayer CAST: Tabitha.....Lisa Hartman Minerva......Karen Morrow Adam..... ..David Ankrum Jean Claude..Dick Libertini Marvin.... .Mel Stewart Blonde.........Susan Keller Paul......Robert Urich Sheik........Frank Delfino When witch Minerva expresses dissatisfaction with her love life, her niece, Tabitha , points out that only normal people have normal relationships. Minerva is willing to try anything - even this "normalcy" - and lands herself a secretarial job in the office of Tabitha's co worker, TV talk show host, Paul Thurston. Paul invites Tabitha for a weekend of skiing, and Tabitha , for the sake of Minerva's love life - and her own protection - invites Minerva to join them. Upon arrival, Minerva is immediately taken with Jean Claude LeMatt, a French , fortyish ski instructor. She books herself in advance for private instruction the next morning, to be followed by a very private luncheon. Though warned about Jean Claude's reputation as a philanderer, Minerva falls for him - at the same time that Jean Claude is falling for a beautiful blonde. That evening , while Minerva waits for Jean Claude to show up for a date, Tabitha sees him with the blonde. Temporarily rescinding her ban on the use of magical powers, Tabitha ineptly casts a spell to make Jean Claude think only of Minerva. It works !. His every other word is "Minerva" and he sees her face everywhere, on everyone. Even when he encounters the real Minerva, Jean Claude assumes that she is just another apparition. Convinced that he is truly mad, Minerva decides that she has picked the wrong guy, and Tabitha admits that she was wrong to suggest that Minerva live the "normal" life. Later that evening, Minerva resumes her old ways by dancing with a tall, handsome warlock in apres-ski clothing. THE EPISODE IS FAMILIAR TO... *"Samantha's Power Failure". 6. "MR. NICE GUY" (12-10-77) CREDITS: Produced by: George Yanok Directed by: Charles Rondeau Written by : Martin Donovan CAST: Tabitha.....Lisa Hartman Minerva......Karen Morrow Adam..... ..David Ankrum Sister Rosalind...Billie Hayes Marvin.... .Mel Stewart Moving Man ...Mickey Morton Paul......Robert Urich Claudius.....Richard Brande Tabitha Stephens, a young witch, works for Paul Thurston, a TV talk show host whose arrogance and conceit offend her. Her aunt Minerva decides to make Paul more appealing to Tabitha, and perhaps start a romance between them , so she puts on Paul what she calls a "Mr Nice Guy" spell. Tabitha notices the change in Paul, who, ironically, seems to be suddenly too nice. He begins to act like an amateur on his own show, and Tabitha thinks it is her fault. Tabitha and Adam test Paul's "niceness" and come to the conclusion that he is under a spell. Tabitha finally discovers how the spell works: any time Paul looks in the mirror , he becomes "Mr Nice Guy". Tabitha and Adam become further distressed by Paul's decision to give away all his material possessions. They try to solve the problem by removing all of Paul's mirrors, but with no success. All seems hopeless when Paul decides to do missionary work in China with a Nun, one of his interview guests. Tabitha, determined to put an end to the spell. finds Minerva and , using her own powers, makes Minerva's hips grow to an outlandish size. The blackmail works, Minerva agrees to restore Paul to his true self, and Tabitha restores Minerva's original figure. Paul is once more his old, obnoxious self, verbally attacking the nun, who, with Tabitha's help, stuns Paul with her defence. THE EPISODE IS FAMILIAR TO... *"You're So Agreeable". |
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7. "ARRIVAL OF NANCY" (12-17-77) CREDITS: Produced by: George Yanok Written by: George Yanok Directed by: William Asher CREDITS: Tabitha.....Lisa Hartman Minerva...Karen Morrow Adam..... ..David Ankrum Nancy....Penelope Willis Marvin.... .Mel Stewart Gladys.....Sandra Gould Paul......Robert Urich Abner.....George Tobias The television station where young witch Tabitha Stephens works is thrown into confusion by the arrival of Tabitha's childhood friend , Nancy Kravitz. After arriving from Gladys and Abner Kravitz's country home, Nancy has a hard time adjusting to the modern world of metropolitan California, and Tabitha must continually rescue Nancy from her own naive. Nancy entertains hopes of a romance with Tabitha's brother, Adam, but he does not share her inclinations. Nancy's Aunt Gladys arrives at Tabitha's apartment one evening, creating more havoc. She then shows up the next morning at the office, demanding to know where her niece is, but no one knows. It seems Gladys had agreed to let Nancy stay until the end of the week to "make it on her own", but now that she is missing , Gladys holds Tabitha responsible. When Tabitha takes Gladys back to her apartment, Tabitha's aunt , Minerva the witch , is there and is unable to resist pulling a few bewitching stunts on Gladys. Unfortunately , Minerva doesn't have any spells which might make Nancy grow up and learn the meaning of responsibility. Tabitha's boss, Paul Thurston , who had earlier refused to help, arrives at the apartment to apologise. When he mentions that Nancy is just outside with the police, Gladys is infuriated. To everyone's surprise, Nancy has gotten a job as a police "meter maid". Assured that Nancy is happy and can take care of herself, Gladys departs. Then , Nancy proceeds to write Paul a ticket for illegal parking. FAN FACTS: *Sandra Gould and George Tobias reprise they're 'bewitching' roles. 8. "TABITHA'S TRIANGLE" (12-24-77) CREDITS: Produced by: George Yanok Directed by: Murray Golden Written by : George Yanok CAST: Tabitha.....Lisa Hartman Minerva......Karen Morrow Adam..... ..David Ankrum Ted...... Dack Rambo Marvin.... .Mel Stewart Paul......Robert Urich When Ted Bingham, a candidate for State Senator, is a guest on the Paul Thurston Show, Paul questions him with unwarranted hostility. After the interview, it is revealed that the handsome and articulate Bingham had agreed to do the show because of his attraction to Thurston's pretty assistant, Tabitha Stephens. With a bit of magic, Tabitha alters the departure time on his plane ticket so that Ted can find time to ask her to dinner. Tabitha's Aunt Minerva, meanwhile, determines that Paul is jealous of Tabitha's apparent infatuation with Ted, and reports her findings to Tabitlia. Later that night, Ted telephones from San Francisco to Invite Tabitha to join him for the weekend on his return to Los Angeles. She accepts, and finds herself the object of a high-powered campaign to become the candidate's wife. She admits to Minerva that she is attracted to Ted, but unsure of his sincerity. When Ted is invited for a return appearance on the Paul Thurston Show, Tabitha uses the opportunity to invite both Ted and Paul to a pre-show dinner to settle the jealousy between them, once and for all Minerva has other plans. She appears with a white carnation which bears a "Truth Spell" to determine Ted's true intentions. Unfortunately , both men arrive with bouquets of white carnations, and in the ensuing confusion it is impossible to determine whether either of the men is under the spell. Later, during the telecast, it is apparent that both men are telling the total truth. For Ted, this means admitting to the backing of a wealthy tax evader; for Paul, it means confessing his jealousy of Ted and proclaiming his love for Tabitha. After the broadcast, Ted gracefully admits that his campaign for Tabitha doesn't stand a chance in the face of Paul's on-the- air declaration of affection. After Ted leaves, it is discovered that Paul alone had been under the Truth Spell, which leaves Tabitha wondering who can really say what "truth" is. 9. "THAT NEW BLACK MAGIC" (12-31-77) CREDITS: Produced by: George Yanok Directed by: Herb Wallerstein Written by: Robert Stambler CAST: Tabitha.....Lisa Hartman Minerva......Karen Morrow Adam..... ..David Ankrum Portia..... .Tracey Reed Marvin.... .Mel Stewart Lorraine... Barbara Mealy Paul......Robert Urich Little Sheik..Frank Delfino Pretty young witch Tabitha works at a television Station. A troublesome figure from her school days returns in the form of Portia, a beautiful witch who sets her seductive sights for happily married producer Marvin Decker. When Portia's attempted seduction fails, she conjures up a magical red velvet coat which is delivered to Marvin the next day. As soon as he puts the coat on, a transformation occurs: Marvin begins talking in hip jargon and invites Portia to a night spot called the Dirty Disco. At the disco, Marvin is dancing with Portia when Tabitha magically causes him to feel so warm that he removes his coat. When he does so, Marvin does not remember how he to the disco or why. His wife Lorraine arrives to find Marvin with Portia and furiously dumps a cake on his head. The next day, Tabitha outfits Lorraine in the Same slinky fashion worn by Portia. Meanwhile, Portia is also dressing Marvin in a flashy fashion -- complete with an outlandish wig for his bald head. When Lorraine and Marvin meet, they find each other's appearance so comical that they burst out laughing, then embrace. Unable to conquer the power of love and laughter, Portia angrily departs, leaving the married couple more in love than ever before. FAN FACTS: *Stay tuned for another episode "Tabitha" on this special New Year's Eve edition of you favorite show! 9. "THAT NEW BLACK MAGIC" (12-31-77) CREDITS: Produced by: George Yanok Directed by: Herb Wallerstein Written by: Robert Stambler CAST: Tabitha.....Lisa Hartman Minerva......Karen Morrow Adam..... ..David Ankrum Portia..... .Tracey Reed Marvin.... .Mel Stewart Lorraine... Barbara Mealy Paul......Robert Urich Little Sheik..Frank Delfino Pretty young witch Tabitha works at a television Station. A troublesome figure from her school days returns in the form of Portia, a beautiful witch who sets her seductive sights for happily married producer Marvin Decker. When Portia's attempted seduction fails, she conjures up a magical red velvet coat which is delivered to Marvin the next day. As soon as he puts the coat on, a transformation occurs: Marvin begins talking in hip jargon and invites Portia to a night spot called the Dirty Disco. At the disco, Marvin is dancing with Portia when Tabitha magically causes him to feel so warm that he removes his coat. When he does so, Marvin does not remember how he to the disco or why. His wife Lorraine arrives to find Marvin with Portia and furiously dumps a cake on his head. The next day, Tabitha outfits Lorraine in the Same slinky fashion worn by Portia. Meanwhile, Portia is also dressing Marvin in a flashy fashion -- complete with an outlandish wig for his bald head. When Lorraine and Marvin meet, they find each other's appearance so comical that they burst out laughing, then embrace. Unable to conquer the power of love and laughter, Portia angrily departs, leaving the married couple more in love than ever before. FAN FACTS: *Stay tuned for another episode "Tabitha" on this special New Year's Eve edition of you favorite show! 10. "WHAT'S WRONG WITH MR. RIGHT?" (12.31.77) CREDITS: Produced by: George Yanok Written by: Jerry Mayer Directed by: George Tyne CAST: Tabitha.....Lisa Hartman Minerva......Karen Morrow Adam..... ..David Ankrum Monty.......Rod McCary Marvin.... .Mel Stewart Jeff........Fred McCarren Paul......Robert Urich The Warlock..Sydney Lassick Through a series of coincidences, pretty, young witch Tabitha Stephens meets Jeff Baron, a director at the television station where she works. He asks her out for lunch, after which they arrange to have dinner that night together. The dinner is cooked at Tabitha's apartment by a Japanese cook, a friend of Jeff's. Tabitha is enchanted. Tabitha's Aunt Minerva, a witch, has decided that her niece should meet "Monty the Magnificent," a warlock. Tabitha does not like or trust warlocks and wants nothing to do with Monty. Jeff is directing Tabitha's boss, Paul Thurston, in a commercial when Monty the Magnificent appears on the scene, posing as a representative from the "Truth in Advertising Division" of the State Department of Consumer Protection." Paul asks Tabitha to handle the matter, much to Monty's delight. which leads Tabitha to believe Jeff is actually the warlock. She tries to question Jeff, but he misinterprets her Monty then casts spells giving Jeff the over romantic qualities of a warlock and ruining the commercial for which Tabitha is singing. Minerva pops onto the scene and accidentally lets the secret out. Tabitha discovers the "real" Monty. Tabitha decides she really does like Jeff and, to remedy the situation turns time back. This time things work her way. FAN FACTS: *Look for Lisa Hartman's singing voice! 11. "PAUL GOES TO NEW YORK" (1-7-78) CREDITS: Produced by: George Yanok Directed by: Charles Rondeau Written by: Bernie Kahn CAST: Tabitha.....Lisa Hartman Minerva......Karen Morrow Adam..... ..David Ankrum Nancy......Penelope Willis Marvin.... .Mel Stewart Renee..... .Barbara Sharma Paul......Robert Urich Roberts...... Kenneth Mars Television talk-show host Paul Thurston surprises everyone by concluding one of his shows with the announcement that he is going to New York City to host a game show, "Make a Pile." His assistant, Tabitha Stephens, who is secretly a witch, gets "volunteered" to throw a farewell party for Paul and must find a replacement for him. Paul's replacement, Renee Cummings, arrives at the party and meets the crew. Tabitha's Aunt Minerva 'pops in' and finds a natural enemy in Renee. Paul stays after the party to flirt with Tabitha, but she is rescued by her friend Nancy. Cat-like Renee turns out to be two-faced and the crew labels her 'Mistress of the knife,' because her vicious verbal attacks carve away at the egos of her show's guests. Minerva suggests to Tabitha that she ask Paul to return to the show. They go to New York and find that Paul isn't the star he said he was. In reality, he is just a backstage announcer. Tabitha asks Paul to return to the show, and he consents But a new prbblem arises: Renee's contract is for a full year. Tabitha's solution is for Paul to act as co-host. Unhappy with the turn of events, Renee tries to make Paul feel alien on his own show and embarrasses their guest speaker. Tabitha resorts to her bewitching powers to force Renee to act like a Cat, thus making a fool of herself. As a result, the show returns to Its rightful host, Paul Thurston, who is elated to be home again. 12. "TABITHA'S PARTY" (1-14-78) CREDITS: Produced by: George Yanok Directed by: Charles Rondeau Written by: Martin Donovan CAST: Tabitha.....Lisa Hartman Minerva......Karen Morrow Adam..... ..David Ankrum Cassandra.....Mary Wickes Marvin.... .Mel Stewart Dr. Bombay....Bernard Fox Paul......Robert Urich Nancy.....Penelope Willis The Witches' Council has reversed its position on mixed marriages and decreed that one witch must marry a mortal that year. Young witch Tabitha Stephens has been selected. Her aunt, Minerva, and the head witch, Cassandra, pay Tabitha a visit to encourage her to marry her boss, TV talk-show host Paul Thurston. Unfortunately, that very day, Paul has insulted Tabitha, who is no longer speaking to him. Minvera and Cassandra decide to take matters into their own hands and Cassandra makes a love potion so strong it will even work on witches. The television station where Tabitha and Paul are employed is having a party. As Tabitha and Paul are making up, Minerva pours the love potion into two punch glasses. But neither Tabitha or Paul wants punch. When Minerva overhears them discussing having some dip, she rushes to spike the dip. Unfortunately, Tabitha is the only person at the party who doesn't eat any. Paul and Nancy, a meter maid, share some dip and immediately make plans to fly to Las Vegas to get married. Tabitha's younger brother Adam eats the dip with Cassandra, and they fall in love. Producer Marvin Decker happens to be eating dip when he glances in a mirror and falls in love with his own image. The party moves to the airport as Paul and Nancy prepare to leave for Las Vegas. Tabitha finally learns from Minerva what has happened, but is powerless herself to remove the spell. She summons warlock Dr. Bombay, her family physician, who arrives with his nurse and a potion which cures everyone on the spot. Cassandra, however, is still insistent that the Witches' council Edict be followed. Upon learning that the doctors's nurse is a mortal she marries Bombay and his nurse. |